Features 服務內容
- Good Day Selection for One Event on C-Section Birth or Business Incorporate Date
- 此服務包括為準備出生的嬰兒或公司的成立日期擇取吉日、吉時
- Reply by emails
- 結果以電郵形式回覆
- Analysis result in 14 days after collecting all the required information and payment
- 有關結果約於確認付款及收妥所需資料起計的 14 個工作天內完成
Required Information 所需資料
- The purpose on Good Day Selection (i.e. C-Section or Business Incorporate Date)
- 擇日的目的 (嬰兒剖腹、公司成立)
- For C-Section: The advice and suitable date range on C-Section by Doctor, Gender of baby and the date of birth of baby’s parents
- 嬰兒剖腹:醫生建議可開刀的日期範圍、嬰兒性別、嬰兒的父母新曆出生日期
- For Business Incorporate Date: The date range and all major partners’ date of birth as well as the industry type
- 公司成立:成立日期範圍、各主要股東的新曆出生日期、公司行業
- Price is in US Dollar
- 收費以美元計算
- This Website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt data during network transmission to protect your personal data. All payment transactions are made through the largest online payment gateway PayPal and your personal credit card information would not be shared with us.
- 本網站使用銀行級別的加密保護,所有傳送的資料如閣下的個人資料等均會加密;而支付系統由全球最大的網上付款平台 Paypal 進行,故本網站不會接觸到閣下的信用卡資料
- Except your name and contact information, all your other personal data will be destroyed after the purposes for which such data were collected.
- 除閣下的姓名與聯絡資料外,其餘的個人資料本人及本網站將於完成顧問服務後銷毀
- All payments are non-refundable.
- 所有款項一經繳付恕不能退回
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