顏色對一個人甚至一間公司的運程有著不同程度的影響,例如剛結業的亞視 ATV 新 Logo 用了對其有害的紅色,又如駕駛一部不利自己顏色的車會令阻礙增多甚至意外的發生。從堪輿學的角度,不同顏色也有不同的五行,若果選擇一個合適自己的顏色原來也可以間接提升運氣。
Color can affect the fate of a person or a company in different degrees. For example, ATV, the oldest TV broadcasting company in HK, chose a detrimental “red” and led to its closure; a man who drives a undesirable color car would easily bump into troublesome or get into accidents. In Metaphysic point of view, each color has its own specific nature in Five Elements. Choosing a matching color can indeed boost one’s luck or fortune.
Nature of Colors in terms of Five Elements:
五行 Five Elements |
所屬顏色 Corresponding Colors |
木 Wood | 綠、青 Green, Cyan |
火 Fire | 紅、橙、紫 Red, Orange, Purple |
土 Earth | 黃、啡 Yellow, Brown |
金 Metal | 白、金 White, Gold |
水 Water | 黑、銀、藍、灰 Black, Silver, Blue, Grey |
簡單而言,大家可根據出生日期來選擇有利自己的「生命顏色」,假如你是生於新曆 5 月 6 日至 8 月 7 日期間,為熱命人,熱命人喜金、水的顏色,例如黑、金、銀、白、灰、藍等一切冷的色調;至於對生於新曆 8 月 8 日至 翌年 3 月 5 日期間的你們,為寒命人,此類人喜木、火的顏色,例如青、綠、紅、橙、紫等一切暖的色調;而出生於新曆 3 月 6 日至 5 月 5 日期間的為平命人,平命人喜金、水,但不忌木、火,不過嚴格而言始終金、水的顏色相對而言較為合適可取,故此基本上還是以黑、金、銀、白、灰、藍等一切冷的色調為佳。
To make it simple, each person can choose a matching color favorable to one’s own in accordance to one’s birthday. If you were born in between May 6 – August 7, you are a person of hot predisposition and your desirable elements are Metal and Water, and therefore cool tone like black, gold, silver, white, grey, blue etc. are favorable to you. If you were born in between August 8 – March 5, you are a person of cold predisposition and your desirable elements are Wood and Fire, and therefore warm tone such as green, red, orange, purple etc. are in favor to you. If you were born in between March 6- May 5, you are a person of neutral predisposition and your desirable elements are Metal and Water, but Wood and Fire are not detrimental to you; it is still advisable for you to take Metal and Water cool tone like black, gold, silver, white, grey, blue etc.
In addition to the above, you can choose a matching color detailedly in accordance to your Bazi’s nature in Five Elements.
自身五行 Bazi’s Nature of Five Elements |
命造 *** Predisposition |
旺財顏色 Colors Good for Money |
旺整體運顏色 Colors – Good for Overall Luck |
木 Wood | 平、熱命人 Neutral / Hot | 黃、啡 Yellow, Brown | 黑、銀、藍、灰 Black, Silver, Blue, Grey |
木 Wood | 寒命人 Cold | 黃、啡 Yellow, Brown | 青、綠 Green, Cyan |
火 Fire | 平、熱命人 Neutral / Hot | 白、金 White, Gold | 黑或藍 + 綠 Black or Blue + Green |
火 Fire | 寒命人 Cold | 白、金 White, Gold | 青、綠、紅、橙、紫 Green, Cyan, Red, Orange, Purple |
土 Earth | 平、熱命人 Neutral / Hot | 黑、藍 Black, Blue | 啡、黃 Brown, Yellow |
土 Earth | 寒命人 Cold | 黑、藍 Black, Blue | 紅、橙、紫 Red, Orange, Purple |
金 Gold | 平、熱命人 Neutral / Hot | 青、綠 Green, Cyan | 黃、啡、白、金 Yellow, Brown, White, Gold |
金 Gold | 寒命人 Cold | 青、綠 Green, Cyan | 青、綠、紅、橙、紫、黃、啡 Green, Cyan, Red, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Brown |
水 Water | 平、熱命人 Neutral / Hot | 紅、紫 Red, Purple | 白、金、銀、黑、灰、藍 White, Gold, Silver, Black, Grey, Blue |
水 Water | 寒命人 Cold | 紅、紫 Red, Purple | 黑 Black |
*** 平、熱命人 Neutral / Hot Predisposition:生於新曆 3 月 7 日至 8 月 7 日 Born in 7 March until 7 Aug
*** 寒命人 Cold Predisposition:生於新曆 8 月 8 日至翌年 3 月 6 日 Born in 8 Aug until next year 6 Mar
Color around your head – this is very important. It’s about your hair color, and color of hat, eye glasses, earpieces, earrings etc. (Whether the hair color is a neutral one or not depends on your race, such as Chinese’s hair is black so black is a neutral color to them.) If you are of neutral / cold predisposition and choosing the cap color, you can take a black, gold, silver, white, grey or blue one.
Furthermore, the color of walls at home (white or light beige is neutral in this case) and the color of your car are important too. If one chooses an unsuitable color, during the year of “offending” presiding gold or in bad luck year, he/she would bump into more troubles, or be more unfortunate. Such as a hot predisposition man drives a undesirable red color car during the year when he is facing conflicts with presiding god would be more likely to have small incidents like car scratched, or more seriously a car accident.
顏色用於公司的 Logo 甚至官方色調也會直接、間接影響到其公司運勢,其道理則同出一轍,以公司的開張或成立日期為指標,再配合不同平命、熱命或寒命人的格局來使用有利的顏色便可。
Color is also very important to a company. The company logo or color tone can affect directly or indirectly to the company fate and fortune. Company’s setup date or opening date is used to define its predisposition and the corresponding favourable colors can be found.
以剛結業的亞視為例,於 1957 年 5 月 29 日啟播,為熱命人,喜金、水的顏色,而自身五行屬金,雖然過往經歷過數次 Logo 的改動,顏色曾以黃、金色甚至三原色為主色,由於命格五行屬金,黃色屬土,土生金,故問題一直也不大且為不錯,但最後的 Logo 自 2007 年起便改成全紅色的設計,紅色屬火,五行上火是勊金的,加上亞視新廠房的風水問題,令亞視的運勢一落千丈。
Let’s take the example of ATV, once the oldest TV broadcasting company in HK. ATV was established on May 29, 1957. It is of hot predisposition and so its desirable colors are those of Metal and Water nature, and it is Metal in Five Elements. Its logo has been changed for several times, but as the color tone was based on yellow and gold or in some period the primary RGB colors, there was no problem during the old days as logo color yellow is of Earth nature, and Earth generates Metal. However, in 2007, its logo was changed to red. Red is Fire nature in Five Elements, Fire impairs Metal. Together with the bad feng shui of its new headquarter, ATV finally came to its closure.
Color is not the ultimate determinator of one’s fortune and fate. One’s own Bazi, the surrounding environment’s feng shui, the country or city’s luck and fate in the current years all affect an individual; but because Bazi, environmental luck and fate are the factors out of our own control, the only thing we can take initiative to change and boost our luck is by working on feng shui and choosing “right” colors, and of course your own efforts!
註:以上圖片來自互聯網 NB: Photos from Internet
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