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Prestige Services 至尊服務
Feng Shui 風水
Fortune-Telling 八字運程
Naming 取名改名
Good Day 擇日
Kevin Lau who professional and good at Feng Shui and Fortune-telling (Fate), currently a columnist of HK Economic Journal and a geomancy consultant of various local and global corporations, media and non-profit organizations. [more...]
Kevin Lau 劉國偉,著名風水命理顧問,專業風水、八字運程 (算命)、改名、擇日服務,師承人稱現代賴布衣蘇民峰 (徒弟 / 學生) 等。多年來於信報撰寫專欄,亦擔任不少中外機構的風水命理顧問及受訪於不同中外媒體機構。 [更多...]