【肖兔者出生年份 Born in the Year of Rabbit】
1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
【整體運程 In General】
肖兔的你於 2015 年為太歲相合年故人緣佳,來到 2016 年為太歲暗合年,易有貴人暗地裡相助,故今年的整體運程也是不錯。不過,對生於秋冬間屬寒命人的你,於今年下半年起的運程便會續漸轉慢甚至有向下的情況;相反對生於春夏間屬平命、熱命人的你而言,今年第四季起的運程則漸起變化,如工作、住屋或感情上,而變化也是好多於壞的。
In 2015, the Rabbits were in union with the presiding god of last year. And this year, you are in hidden union with the presiding god; this implies there are useful people who would help you covertly and thereby in general your luck is quite good this year.