相信不少讀者小時也曾聽過父母指自己「五行欠打」,現實中不時也有客人擔心自己命格或名字中五行有所或缺。於探討五行缺失前先談何謂「五行」──由大自然五個重要元素木、火、土、金、水組成,而五者間的相遇就似不同化學作用,透過「生」、「剋」、「制」、「化」和「會」、「合」、「刑」、「沖」產生不同作用與結果,例如木生火或水剋火等,亦是大自然生生循環不息的定律。 (more…)
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相信不少讀者小時也曾聽過父母指自己「五行欠打」,現實中不時也有客人擔心自己命格或名字中五行有所或缺。於探討五行缺失前先談何謂「五行」──由大自然五個重要元素木、火、土、金、水組成,而五者間的相遇就似不同化學作用,透過「生」、「剋」、「制」、「化」和「會」、「合」、「刑」、「沖」產生不同作用與結果,例如木生火或水剋火等,亦是大自然生生循環不息的定律。 (more…)
每當人生於某範疇遇上不如意時,如生意失敗、婚姻破裂、患有嚴重疾病等,必定有人會尋求「轉運」的「良方」,尤其是來自台灣、內地及馬來西亞的他們。「轉運」這名詞由來已久,實情是由一班「需求者」熱切改變現狀的期盼及「神棍」騙財伎倆組成。如果他們有這樣神奇的力量為百姓將衰運轉為好運,那為何他們不先為自己更上層樓? (more…)
恭喜發財,#KEVINLAU 祝您今年猴福齊天、身體健康、萬事勝意!
Wish All of You Have a Prosperous 2016!
以下為東方日報於 2016 年 2 月 6 日的訪問報導
黃大仙師預示香港猴年「太白撈月」下下籤本已夠觸目驚心,再加上有如「五星連珠」的「五星匯聚」正月出現,有堪輿學家斷言丙申猴年香港必有動盪!根據香港太空館資訊,水星、金星、火星、木星及土星五顆行星現在至本月底會同現於日出前天空,此五星移至太陽同一面的現象名為「五星匯聚」,在較寬鬆定義下,天文學界亦把此現象歸納為「五星連珠」,而十一年前的一次「五星連珠」,本港及全球天災人禍不斷,動盪不休:「古時五星連珠會改朝換代,瘟疫連連,今個猴年應該會幾多事。」 (more…)
肖猴運程 Born in the Year of Monkey
(1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
肖雞運程 Born in the Year of Rooster
(1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)
肖狗運程 Born in the Year of Dog
(1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)
肖豬運程 Born in the Year of Pig
(1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)
肖鼠運程 Born in the Year of Rat
(1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
肖牛運程 Born in the Year of Ox
(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
肖虎運程 Born in the Year of Tiger
(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
肖兔運程 Born in the Year of Rabbit
(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
肖龍運程 Born in the Year of Dragon
(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
肖蛇運程 Born in the Year of Snake
(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
肖馬運程 Born in the Year of Horse
(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
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Kevin Lau 劉國偉,師承蘇民峰師傅,信報專欄作者,精於風水、八字運程算命、改名、擇日,亦擔任不少中外機構的風水命理顧問。合作機構:香港東方日報、香港太陽報、香港蘋果日報、Groupon、匯豐銀行、星展銀行、香港鐵路、Deacons的近律師行、美國萬通、友邦保險、JCI 青年商會(荃灣)、台灣中時電子報等…[詳細] Kevin Lau is particularly good at Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling. He is currently a columnist of Hong Kong Economic Journal and a metaphysical consultant for a variety of local and global corporations, media and non-profit organizations…[Details] |
【肖羊者出生年份 Born in the Year of Sheep】
1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
【整體運程 In General】
In 2015, the Sheep were offending the presiding god of last year. This caused changes in romance (start dating, breakup, get married, get pregnant etc.), career (get promoted, change job etc.), and living environment (such as move house) to many Sheep. If these have not happened last year, you are very likely to have these changes until May 2016.
【肖馬者出生年份 Born in the Year of Horse】
1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
【整體運程 In General】
肖馬的你於去年為相合年,人緣佳而各方面的運程也是不錯。到了 2016 猴年,為你的驛馬年,遷移、變化的情況也會增加,例如外出工幹、外遊、搬屋等,故走動情況多而也較往年忙碌。至於當中的變化,假如你是生於春夏間屬平命、熱命,這個變化尤其到了下半年的時間還是變好的為主;相反對生於秋冬間屬寒命人的你,這變化便是以減慢運程甚至向下為主了。
In 2015, the Horses had good luck and good interpersonal relationship as you were in union with the presiding god of last year. This year in 2016 is your year of mobility and changes. You tend to move a lot and travel frequently, no matter it is business or personal related, or move house. Whether the changes are good or not depends on your date of birth.
【肖蛇者出生年份 Born in the Year of Snake】
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
【整體運程 In General】
對於肖蛇的你,2016 年既是合太歲亦是刑太歲的年份,合太歲表示人緣佳易得貴人的扶助;相反,刑太歲不單表示你今年的心情差時有負面情緒,另你今年身邊的是非小人也較往年多,可謂兩極化的情況。
In 2016, the Snakes are in union with the presiding god but at the same time are torturing the presiding god, therefore there are two extremes in your luck this year. Union with the presiding god means good interpersonal relationship and can gain useful help from powerful figures. Contrarily, torturing the presiding god implies bad mood and emotional instability, and there are more gossips and argument around you than last year.
Kevin Lau 劉國偉,香港著名風水命理顧問,師承人稱現代賴布衣蘇民峰師傅等。專業風水、八字運程 (算命)、改名、擇日服務。Kevin 多年來於香港信報【面面俱玄】專欄撰寫文章,亦擔任多間中外機構、媒體與非牟利團體的風水命理顧問,如香港旅遊發展局、的近律師行 (DEACONS)、香港寶嘉建築(Dragages)、星展銀行 (DBS)、香港動物基金會、Groupon HK、台灣中時電子報、香港免費報章 am730、香港國際青年商會(JCI荃灣)、美國萬通保險 (MassMutual)、友邦保險 (AIA)、香港蘋果日報等。曾受訪的中外媒體機構如南美最大電視台 Rede Globo、台灣民視電視台、台灣自由時報、台灣 Now News、台灣三立電視台、台灣TVBS、香港東方日報、香港太陽報、英文媒體 Localiiz、香港大學、香港浸會大學等。[詳細]
Kevin Lau is particularly good at Feng Shui and Bazi Fortune–Telling. He is currently a columnist of Hong Kong Economic Journal and a Geomancy Consultant for a variety of local and global corporations, media and non-profit organizations…[Details]
Prestige Services 至尊服務
Feng Shui 風水
Fortune-Telling 八字運程
Naming 取名改名
Good Day 擇日
Kevin Lau who professional and good at Feng Shui and Fortune-telling (Fate), currently a columnist of HK Economic Journal and a geomancy consultant of various local and global corporations, media and non-profit organizations. [more...]
Kevin Lau 劉國偉,著名風水命理顧問,專業風水、八字運程 (算命)、改名、擇日服務,師承人稱現代賴布衣蘇民峰 (徒弟 / 學生) 等。多年來於信報撰寫專欄,亦擔任不少中外機構的風水命理顧問及受訪於不同中外媒體機構。 [更多...]