【肖鼠者出生年份 Born in the Year of Rat】
1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
【整體運程 In General】
肖鼠的你來到 2016 年為太歲相合年,整體運程也較 2015 年為佳且有進步。
The Rats are in union with the presiding god so in general you are in better luck than last year.
吉星方面有「將星」、「三台」、「金匱」,前兩者代表肖鼠的你於 2016 年有地位提升的機會,而「金匱」則表示你於 2016 年較往年更易積累財庫。
There are three lucky stars, Jiang Xing, San Tai and Jin Gui. The former two stars imply the increase in social status, while Jin Gui means you can accumulate fortune much more easier than last year.
凶星方面有「五鬼」、「飛符」、「年符」、「官符」。「五鬼」為小人是非星,而後三者均表示肖鼠的你於 2016 年易有突如其來的官非、是非,但幸好問題也不會很大。
There are four inauspicious stars, Wu Gui, Fei Fu, Nian Fu and Guan Fu. Wu Gui implies gossips and arguments around you, while the latter three stars mean lawsuits and quarrels. Luckily, all these would not affect you a lot.
【財運 Wealth】
2016 年為肖鼠的舒服貴人的懶運年,對生於秋冬間屬寒命的鼠仔鼠女而言,上半年的財運仍會不錯,但到了下半年便盡量宜守不宜攻為佳;相反對生於春夏間屬平命、熱命的鼠仔鼠女來說,下半年起的財運會漸入佳境,故可用上半年的時間好好計劃、步署未來的發展大計了。
The Rats this year do not feel like working hard, you are not proactive. But luckily, with useful help from powerful figures, the wealth would not be too bad.
For those born in autumn / winter (Cold predisposition), you wealth luck is quite good in the first half of 2016, but it is better to safeguard what you have got instead of exploring new territory or taking new risks in the second half of 2016.
On the contrary, for those born in spring / summer (Hot / Neutral predisposition), your wealth luck is getting better in the second half of 2016, so you can make better use of the time in first half of 2016 to prepare and plan ahead for the future.
On the other hand, lucky star Jin Gui would make you easy to accumulate fortune, so in general your wealth luck is quite good.
【事業 Career】
肖鼠的你受到「三台」、「將星」的幫忙,2016 年你的工作事業會有更上一層樓的機會,打工的有升遷機會而自雇或從商的也會有提升行內地位的情況。
With the help of two lucky stars, Jiang Xing and San Tai, your career can be uplifted this year. For employee, more chance to get promoted; for self-employed, increasd social status in the market.
懶散不積極,事事喜隨遇而安是肖鼠的你於 2016 年的做人態度,生於秋冬間的寒命人於上半年也時有貴人於事業上相助而有所得益,但到了下半年便要較為小心;相反對生於春夏間的平命、熱命人,下半年的工作事業運也有稍為明顯的進步,上半年還是守一守吧。
In 2016, the Rats do not feel like working hard. For those born in autumn / winter (Cold predisposition), even you are not proactive enough, you can still easily get help from powerful figures in the first half of 2016, but need to act cautiously in the second half of 2016.
On the contrary, those born in spring / summer (Hot / Neutral predisposition) will get better luck in career starting from the second half of 2016, and it is advisable to take conservative approach in the first half of 2016.
【健康 Health】
肖鼠的你於 2016 年身體上沒有特別的毛病,故也不用過份擔心。
There would be no big health issues this year.
【感情 Relationship】
肖鼠的你除非本第的八字命格為轉大運年,否則於 2016 年感情上並沒有大的突破進步。
In general, the Rats would not experience any big differences in relationship, except for those whose Ba Zi indicating that they are in the fate-changing year.
【增運錦囊 Tips to Enhance Your Luck】
To minimize gossips and arguments, you can put pink objects such as decorations, curtains in the northwest location of your home.
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