【肖兔者出生年份 Born in the Year of Rabbit】
1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
【整體運程 In General】
肖兔的你於 2015 年為太歲相合年故人緣佳,來到 2016 年為太歲暗合年,易有貴人暗地裡相助,故今年的整體運程也是不錯。不過,對生於秋冬間屬寒命人的你,於今年下半年起的運程便會續漸轉慢甚至有向下的情況;相反對生於春夏間屬平命、熱命人的你而言,今年第四季起的運程則漸起變化,如工作、住屋或感情上,而變化也是好多於壞的。
In 2015, the Rabbits were in union with the presiding god of last year. And this year, you are in hidden union with the presiding god; this implies there are useful people who would help you covertly and thereby in general your luck is quite good this year.
However, for those born in autumn / winter (Cold predisposition), your luck would become so-so or even worse from the second half of 2016.
Contrarily, for those born in spring / summer (Hot / Neutral predisposition), you would start to have change in your fate from the forth quarter of 2016, the change can be in career, living environment or romantic status etc, and it is going to be changes in good prospect.
There are three lucky stars, Yu Tang, Long De and Zi Wei, all are stars of powerful figures. The powerful figures can help you in all aspects whenever you are in need.
There are inauspicious stars, Bao Bai and Tian E, but luckily their power are small so would not affect you this year.
【財運 Wealth】
The fortune gain (how you make money) this year is just so-so, but the fortune loss is more than last year, especially from the second half of 2016, you would tend to spend or just loss much money.
【事業 Career】
2016 年為肖兔的你地位提升年,工作上有升遷的機會,另工作的壓力亦會較往年為多2016 年為肖兔的你地位提升年,工作上有小的升遷機會,另工作的壓力亦會較往年為多。另外,肖兔的你今年有「玉堂」、「龍德」、「紫微」貴人吉星的幫忙,工作上也會較為順利。
The Rabbits enjoy uplifted social status this year; you have more chance to get small promotion, but on the other hand the work pressure is more than last year.
With the help of stars of powerful figures, Yu Tang, Long De and Zi Wei, there would be powerful figures around you to help your career and work.
【健康 Health】
There are no big health problems this year, just beware of sickness related to muscles and bones, liver and gall bladder.
【感情 Relationship】
Except for the Rabbits whose partner is Monkey, Tiger or Snake, most Rabbits just stay the same in romantic status; i.e. if you are single, still being single. Changes would start to happen from the end of 2016 to 2017.
【增運錦囊 Tips to Enhance Your Luck】
To boost the wealth, you can put a glass of water in both the north and southwest locations of your home.
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