【肖龍者出生年份 Born in the Year of Dragon】
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
【整體運程 In General】
肖龍的你於 2016 年為太歲暗合年,人緣佳亦易有貴人於日常、工作上相助。雖然如此,由於肖龍的你今年吉星全無,外來的助力不大,故整體運程也大致為不過不失。
In 2016, the Dragons are in hidden union with the presiding god; this implies that you would have a good interpersonal relationship and there are useful people who would help you in your daily life and career. However, there is no lucky star to help you around this year, so in general your luck is so-so in 2016.
This year the inauspicious star is Hua Gai. This presents loneliness, and is also a star of arts. If your job is related to arts, music, design, creative industry etc, Hua Gai can help you in your career.
【財運 Wealth】
The wealth luck is just so-so. However, 2016 is your year of learning, you can make use of this learning luck to learn new skills and knowledge, so as to enhance your career development and enrich your life in the long term.
【事業 Career】
肖龍的你來到 2016 年為思想學習年,整體工作上較 2015 年的辛苦忙碌運,相對而言,今年於工作上輕鬆不少;另假如你的工作以思考、管理、用腦為主的工作,今年也有較為不錯的表現。
Compare to 2015 which is your busy year, this year the workload is less as 2016 is your year of learning and thinking. If your job demands on thinking, managing, analyzing, you can perform quite well this year.
【健康 Health】
The 2015 health problem related digestive system, alimentary canal, or gastrointestinal system still have effect on you until April 2016. After this, there is no special health problem.
【感情 Relationship】
Except for the Dragons whose partner is Monkey, Tiger or Snake, most Dragons just stay the same in romantic status; i.e. if you are single, still being single.
【增運錦囊 Tips to Enhance Your Luck】
To boost the wealth, you can put a glass of water in both the north and southwest locations of your home.
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